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Sunday, April 10, 2011

I Never Thought That Buying Faucets Could Be Exciting


My parents always said that owning a house was like having another child, a very expensive child. This month my very expensive child needed new faucets. Mucho dinero and 8 hours of plumbing work later— due to our badly cut counters—we now have shiny new faucets.


I was super excited since we ended up getting the faucet that turns on when you touch it anywhere. Since I’m a dork, I call it the Star Trek faucet. Maybe my suburban life lacks some excitement?


In other news, it’s finally spring! This means pretty tulips, but also weeds. I already saw a dandelion this week. In the event of nuclear winter, I’m convinced that the only two things which will survive will be cockroaches and dandelions.


Another sign of spring, Easter chocolate. One of the advantages of not having kids is that you get to act like one and buy yourself chocolate lollipops with bunny rabbits on them. This one was filled with maple cream, yum.


Now for a quick review. As most Canadians know, it is rather hard to find Greek yogurt up here. We all look on enviously at Americans with their Fage and Chobani yogurts and mope. In the last year or so however, more Greek yogurts have been popping up. I found this one at my supermarket last week.


It’s certainly thick, that spoon is standing up just stuck in the yogurt, but I’m so-so on the flavour. They’re on the tangy side and not very sweet at all. The texture is also a bit odd, almost gloopy. Until I find something better I’m sticking with my beloved Liberte Greek yogurt.