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Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Beginnings

Once upon a time I had a food blog full of decadent food pictures.

Exhibit A


Exhibit B


Exhibit C


And while all of these things have been delicious they have taken their toll on my waistline; after a while denial doesn’t help you fit in your jeans anymore. I am going to be 30 this year and I want to start off the decade right by making this the year that I get into shape and get healthy. This blog will chronicle my journey into revamping my lifestyle and learning how to balance delicious food with healthy living, hence the title. I hope you stick around for the trip!


  1. LOL The whole bit about denial not helping you fit into your jeans cracked me up!

    Good for you!!! I'm going to tell my bloggies all about your new home in the blogosphere!

  2. Too funny!! "Less of the former and more of the latter" - what a great line.

    If I could cook like you, I wouldn't fit into my jeans, either.

    Good luck on your journey!

  3. Your sister told us we all had to come and read your blog ;)

    I love your attitude. Good luck :)

  4. Hi everyone,

    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you stick around! :)
